Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I really don't have much to say tonight. I had a very interesting idea earlier for a short story that I started working on this afternoon. I was also recently invited to write some short film scripts and I'm excited about the potential for image-centric story telling based upon the conditions outlined for production.

I've also been writing a song with an old writing partner of mine that is going really well. And poems are trickling out here and there.

This is an "I" heavy blog. Given that it is a blog about my feelings, thoughts, musings, etc.--I'm not too bothered by that, although it doesn't make for the kind of writing that I enjoy reading. Recently however, I've noticed that the act of writing has been taking on different meanings for me since I started writing poetry. I'm more aware of the power that certain phrasings can exert over the meaning of a sentence. And with this awareness, I'm less frightened about putting my thoughts down on the page as they are voiced within my head--La de dah and such.

I think that for too long, I've been trying to write well, instead of write. This is dangerous. Tis better to have written shitily, than to have never written at all. You can quote me on that.

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