Monday, January 18, 2010

All jazz lost

I'm sure I'm not alone in being envious of the things that other people write. Take the television show Lost for example, especially under Brian K. Vaughn's watch. I look at Lost and think: "wham, that's it" and wish that I'd written it (the infamous second season included).

I remember hearing a story once that went like this: Jeff Beck, a well respected guitar player and my personal fav., walked into the bar one day to listen to an American guitar player who he'd heard only little about. He sat down and watched this American contemporary silently for several minutes. And when the band finished, Mr. Beck finished his beer and headed toward the door. His friends asked him where he was heading to which he replied, "to go find a new career." The man on stage was Jimi Hendrix.

I've absolutely no idea if it ever really happened and whether it is merely mythopea or tall tale, doesn't really matter. Obviously Jeff didn't quit and went on to later record albums that would define Jazz Fusion and inspire countless musicians, myself included. I like this story. It reminds me to push on, even when discouraged or when facing persons, places, and things that seem greater, bigger or better than you.

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