Friday, January 15, 2010

The Top 10

I've decided that Fridays on Syntactical Hiccups will be "Top Ten Fridays". Over the course of any given week I encounter enough musings, suggestions, opinions, good ideas, bad ideas, hot topics, and falderal to fill a sizable container capable of holding mass amounts (goddamn idiom shortage).

I've been pestering quite a few people now for some suggestions on The Muse.

Here are the top ten:

1. Be less focused on the idea of producing a novel--that's not the same as writing.
2. Don't let the blog tie you to one idea, consider writing short stories.
3. You don't always have to like what you write.
4. Stick with it and don't get discouraged.
5. Write less about your writing and more about your life.
6. Focus less on the audience/reader and don't worry about how you're coming across.
7. Don't obsess over your "triggering town", it's just what gets the gears turning.
8. Schedule a time to write everyday.
9. Don't be afraid to change horses midstream, WWII stories have become space operas.
10. Remain positive or neutral, and you may allow yourself to be reflective, upset, and concerned--but never discouraged.

1 comment:

  1. Sentimental Q MoribundJanuary 25, 2010 at 2:44 PM

    And, les' we forget, for a Baker's Top Ten:

    11. Think of it like this: every piece of material you write, treat as if it were your own child. And as such, if the newest one should turn out badly, you can always get rid of it, as you still have all the same equipment necessary to just make another one.

    —J Swift
