Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's been raining for the last five and each morning has been an exercise in fighting myself out of a warm bed.

Good things are happening. The start of the semester has left me feeling positive and aligns more than ever with what I'm after. That said, I was able to swap my American Lit and Economics course for an American Lit and Film course that has Octavia Buttler, Toni Morison, Clint Eastwood, and Joss Whedon on the "reading" list. While the Lit and Econ class was interesting, the area of focus was just too far from what I'm interested in studying and how I prefer to analyze literature. I've realized that I'm less interested in larger sociological or economic comparisons, and more interested in cultural, genre, and narrative elements.

In other news, I've decided to focus more on poetry and short fiction for the time being, and dedicate more of my writing time to these areas respectively. I feel a great deal of satisfaction in my poems as they allow me more freedoms to chip away at smaller blocks of marble, but maintain the same impact. I've also been reading some of Herman Hesse's poetry, as mentioned previously, and some Yeats and Whitman as well--both of which I encounter some difficulty in enjoying as much as Hesse. I appreciate all of it none the less.

Well, the rain has started again so I'll close this up as I close my windows.

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